Thursday, August 28, 2008

Tonight's speech

Initial reaction post:

Wow, I thought, this is a really good speech.

Then, I noticed, he turned to scripture at the end.

And then we heard the usual blessing.

And then the country music came on.


More later.

First addition: Pastor closes ceremonies with a prayer, and finally: "End this prayer as you would in your personal religion."

And Pelosi closes with the gavel, but keeps rambling, and then tells god to bless everyone again.

Good speech by Obama.

These conventions are overwhelming.


Michael Faris said...

I was really impressed by his speech as well!

But yeah, the whole thing also felt like a Big Tent Revival and Obama is our Jesus.

Travis said...

yeah, i was a little bothered by the way it ended--too much religion. typical, in a lot of ways, i guess. and wasn't it interesting that the country music came on right after obama stopped speaking--not some chicago jazz, not motown, but country. you know, just in case anyone was feeling a pang of nervousness about obama's black reverend tone.

really was a great speech though.

Julie said...

I think the religious tag on is not only typical, but stressed in light of all this "Obama-is-a-Muslim" ranting... meh... politics are so depressing.

Travis said...

I agree. And wasn't this fun?