Thursday, June 5, 2008

Plagiarism spoof: a joke on the tired volunteer?

Sometimes I wonder what the hell I'm doing.

I'm an online tutor for a college nearby, a volunteer position outside of OSU to gain experience in the composition cyber world. Tonight I read a WR 121 essay comparing Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X. Apparently MLK was a plagiarist through graduate school. I learned this about three paragraphs after the section in the essay that prompted me to Google one of the student's sentences, which appeared immediately as the first search result. Wikipedia, of course. And the student's citation for the information about MLK's plagiarism: Famous Plagiarists.

Why don't I just stand behind a sales counter wearing a $12 tie and talk you into this great new cell phone with a full keyboard, 358 gig hard drive, and free matching Jew's harp (offer good thru June)?


Michael Faris said...

This is hilarious! Thank you for sharing!

Travis said...

heh, thanks michael, i see now that in my exhaustion i included typos and a jew's harp. :)